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Thursday, 6 September 2012

Books I've read this month

Lately, because I don't have much time to read for pleasure, there seems to have been waaaay too many tempting titles around for my liking. Isn't that always the way though? I imagine when I've finished studying for the year I'll be desperately hunting for something new to read. Usually I select my recreational reading from the Good Reading Magazine, the Weekend Australian book review or a quick trot around the library for a random selection (half of which are usually returned unread).

In the past month I've read the first two books in the Hunger Games trilogy... I've put the third on hold 'cos now I need to know how it ends! I have to say I'm NOT a lover of YA fiction per se. But I'm a sucker for a good story well told and Hunger Games is. I'm not saying it's great writing, just a very good read.

'A Sentimental Traitor' by Michael Dobbs... Dobbs has been one of my fave authors since 'House of Cards', so if you love a decent political thriller then give it a go.
By-the-by I see that 'House of Cards' is being made into a major TV series with Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright, due out next year. They are setting it in the White House though so it won't be the same as the brilliant BBC series from 1990.

At the moment I am reading 'The Woman Who Died Alot' by Jasper Fforde. This is the seventh in the "Thursday Next' series which started with 'The Eyre Affair'. If you haven't come across his work before he is hard to define but I describe it as a combination of  fantasy, police procedural, political parody and satire. It's incredibly funny, clever and all set in an 'alternative' England. Thursday Next is the lead character and a 'literary detective'. Her adventures are woven in and around books and libraries and the characters in them. I don't want to give away any plotlines and perhaps my description in the previous sentence is not grabbing you, but I promise you it's worth trying.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just green that you somehow still find time to read interesting fiction. But I have to say I've never been able to get into Fforde, despite your tantalising descriptions and recommendations.
